How To Buy:

Step 1: Find the product you want to buy with the search option or by clicking on the category.
Step 2: View product details by clicking on the “DETAILS” option of the product you like, or add the product to MY CART directly by clicking on the “ADD TO CART” option.
Step 3: Add all the products you want to purchase to My Cart one by one.
Step 4: Click on My Cart and go directly to the checkout page. Notice the cart information section on the check out page. Enter your desired Quantity in the Quantity section.
Step 5: Click on Check out Button.
(a) If you have already registered and logged in, it will take you directly to the last page (Place Order Page).
(b) If you are not logged in, clicking the “checkout” button will take you back to the customer login page.
(c) If you have not registered, first register by clicking on the “Register Now” Button and providing the required information and login.
(d) If you have already registered, login directly
(e) Then go to the checkout page by clicking on “My Cart” .
(f) If the desired product and the quantity of the product is correct, go to the order page by clicking the “checkout” button again.
(g) If you want to re-shop to add more products, click on “Continue Shopping” Button.
Step 6: Notice the order page carefully and fill in the required part as per the instructions given below.
(a) If you want to use an address other than the one given at the time of registration as a Shipping Address, click the “Edit Shipping Address” button and enter the new address.
(b) If you have a discount code / gift coupon / any other code number, enter the code number / coupon number / other code number in the box above the Apply Coupon.
(c) If you have any choice about the quality of the ordered product such as size, weight, color, etc., and if you have any comments about delivery, or if you want to write about any other topic, you can write in the additional comment box.
Step 7 : Payment Method:
We have three types of payment systems.
1. Cash On Delivery
2. Payment through mobile bank such as bkash, Rocket.
3. Payment through Debit/Credit card Such as Visa, Master Card, Nexus Pay, Amex etc.
Choose the system you want to pay and complete the payment steps.
Click on the “Place Order” button. Then the order will be placed and a success note will appear on your screen.